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    There are always great influences on the destiny of an artist, and The Hinge of Fate was
certainly one of those. At the beginning of junior year of high school, Dabek met Dick Pearson and
they started talking about music and not long after that he decided that he wanted to start a band.
Not just any band, but a band that performed the new and different music that was happening
everywhere. He wanted to do Dylan, Byrds, Rolling Stones, Beatles, The Who, and original music.
Dick thought it was a great idea, so they found Jim Karchewski for guitar, Dick played bass,
Dabek played keyboards and guitar, and Barry Krull played drums and keyboards. The name was
chosen from the book by Winston Churchill. They practiced in the rec rooms and basements of
their houses and before long they were proficient enough to play gigs. They got a manager/agent
and began to play at gigs all over northern Michigan.
    Their repertoire consisted of a wide cross section of the music of the time, but they were
decidedly different in that they performed a lot of Dylan music and other folk-rock of that era. Of
course they had to play Louie, Louie and Hang On, Sloopy and Gloria as well, because  f they
didn't, surly crowds disturbed by hearing Highway61 or Memphis Blues Again (what kind of music
is that??) would have chased them out of town. For a bandcentered in the middle of the remote
area of Northern Michigan, they did fairly well at landing gigs at variousvenues around that part of
the state. They played Saginaw's Daniel's Den, Michigan State University,various clubs around the
area, and the shared the billwith Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels at the GrandTraverse County
     The band changed members a couple of times, adding Rick Schimmel for lead guitarafter
Karchewski dropped out, and adding Rob Rokos on drums.  At that point Dabek took the role of
leadsinger and Barry went to keyboards. Dabek wrote five original songs for the band, and they
played them in their repertoire, which even further confused their audiences, who were expecting
to hear their repetitive favorites. As a band, they certainly weren't ordinary, and for most of the
young people in that area of the world that would be the only time they'd hear that kind of music
played live. The band disbanded at graduation in 1968, all of the members heading their various
      Dabek and Krull headed West together in a red econline van, making their psychedelic way
through the great expanse of the continent. After many adventures along the way, Dabek woke
Barry in the middle of the night in Coeur d’Alene State Park and said he had to go, he didn't know
why, he just knew he had to, and in the morning he headed out on the highway.  Hitching a ride
right off, the guy asked him where he was headed, and as a sign overhead said Seattle, with a
picture of the Space Needle which he recognized from when he collected stamps (the Century21
commemorative) he told him that's where he was headed and that's where he went. There are no
known recordings of The Hinge of Fate.
known recordings of The Hinge of Fate.