Lifeworks Project
From the Artist:

     It came to me as I was approaching 50 years of living that
although my life has been rich in so many things, and I have
been fortunate to have such a wonderful family and loving
partner throughout the years, as an artist I hadn't pursued that
calling of creativity that propels one's being in a way that could
be shared with the world. I looked at this pile of old tapes and
recordings from 35 years of musical endeavor and became
aware of the fact that unless I preserved and restored this
legacy of work, it would be lost not only to myself but to
anybody who wanted to listen. It is not without hesitation that
I undertook this project, as it is indeed daunting when one
faces decomposing tapes and distant memories and emotions
and a whole lifetime of compositions and musical endeavors
that were about to fade away. Questions of whether anyone
would care to hear it, is it good enough to let anybody listen to
it, and could I release to the world something that had been
relegated to privacy for so many years loomed in my mind for
the longest time.
     In the end I came to the conclusion that all of that didn't
matter.  What was important was that one person's life's work
would be preserved, and its acceptance or rejection by the
entire world was secondary to the profound personal process
that transpired in the road to its completion.
     So, here it is, warts and all. 
     Only a handful of people in the world has ever heard any of
these compositions, and it is quite possible and probable
only a few ever will. Nevertheless, it is my life's music and I
submit it for whatever it may be worth to you and the world
and hope that it contributes something of value to those who
take the time to download it or those who enjoy it enough
to purchase it.

Thanks for listening.