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     Bob Klimes  (see Special Musicians)

Bob Klimes was Dabek’s professor in music classes at
Los Angeles Valley College and they struck up a musical
relationship almost right away.  Dabek suffered an
industrial accident when he smashed his right hand in an old
Chandler and Price letterpress at the print shop where he
was working and the injury was perhaps one of the most
devastating things that can happen to a musician.
Nevertheless, Dabek showed up at his piano classes and
insisted on practicing even though his hand was bandaged
and he could only use three of his fingers. Bob was taken
aback by this and after listening to some of the things each
was working on they linked up for collaborations on
several projects:

                             Songs with Chaind

Bob Klimes was Dabek’s professor in music classes at
Los Angeles Valley College and they struck up a musical
relationship almost right away.  Dabek suffered an
industrial accident when he smashed his right hand in an old
Chandler and Price letterpress at the print shop where he
was working and the injury was perhaps one of the most
devastating things that can happen to a musician.
Nevertheless, Dabek showed up at his piano classes and
insisted on practicing even though his hand was bandaged
and he could only use three of his fingers. Bob was taken
aback by this and after listening to some of the things each
was working on they linked up for collaborations on
several projects:

                               Early Morning Sun

Bob needed some lyrics for a piece he had written, and
ask Dabek if he would write words for the music and result
was the song “Early Morning Sun”.  Bob had a friend name
Thorne who had the Annex Studios in Hollywood, so we
arranged sessions and got Bob’s son (Peter Klimes) to
have member of his group Chaind do the track with Bob
doing the piano work and Dabek doing the vocals. The
song is a great uptempo piece and this collection just
wouldn’t be complete without it.