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About the 1980's

The eighties were marked by a distinct conservative shift in
our political and economic climate. We sent a former
Hollywood actor to the White House, and Reaganomics
was the mode of the day.  These policies were based on the
"trickle down" theory of wealth and its distribution (loosely
translated, it meant p--- on you).  Big business was busy
busting unions, workers were scrambling to hold on to what
fragile gains they had made, almost everything people bought
was made in some other country, John Lennon was
murdered, someone tried to assassinate Reagan, the
government defined ketchup as a vegetable in school lunches
for the disadvantaged, we had high ranking officials being
chummy with known cocaine importers, and the personal
computer was about to make that quantum leap into being a
part of  everyone's lives.  The sexual freedom brought about
by the free love of the 60's and 70's made us acutely aware
of a new and devastating STD called HIV, which rather
suddenly changed the way we all interacted. It was a time of
great technical groundbreaking as robotics became an
integral part of manufacturing (the birth of robots making
robots) and personal computers literally booted themselves
to the forefront of the new world and through their power of
statistical analysis we got a clearer picture of how much we
were messing things up.
The boomers were busy raising their children and the world
was changing at an accelerated pace, although nothing really
changed at all.