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About the 1970's Music
The end of the psychedelic era, marked symbolically and
tragically by the deaths of Hendrix, Morrison, Mama Cass,
and Janis Joplin, and in a creative sense the breakup of the
Beatles and the absence of much important work from
many formerly active artists, was to give way to a rather
undefined decade musically. Funk was born, disco
somehow became popular, folk music disappeared, mushy
pop songs abounded. It was, however, the real dawn of
electronic music.  Synthesizers became readily available
and multitrack recording was no longer reserved for the big
record companies. It was also the era that saw punk music
take the stage and shake up everybody's complacency,
along with shock rock and heavy metal.
Dabek's music took a new road as the piano replaced the
guitar around the mid 1970's and all of his music was
centered on composition and exploration of style. During
this period, there were several projects with other
composers and musicians and some special projects that
are covered on the early collaborations and special music
pages. Many of the pieces written during this time were
succinct departures from the folky ballads of the past.
Highly introspective as an artist, Dabek blended
contemplative and philosophical elements with the freedom
the piano offered.
Near the end of the 1970's he bought his first synthesizer
and multitrack recording setup, and began the journey into
the world of synth music and beat boxes. Being able to
explore limitless possibilities of this new realm was too
much to resist. The eighties were waiting.