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About the 1970's

The 1970's sent Nixon out of the white house, revealed a deep
power struggle for the destiny of this country, sent a peanut farmer
from Georgia to the white house (Jimmy Carter), brought us to our
200th National Birthday, saw the end of the nasty war in Vietnam,
brought us double digit inflation, an Arab oil embargo (an event of
questionable cause), hostages in Iran (another event of questionable
cause), the birth of the fledgling personal computer industry,
ushered in the proliferation of cocaine usage, and emboldened a
tremendous surge in women's rights (in reality all human rights). It
was a time when the baby boomers settled in to raise their families
and to try to integrate their newfound freedom of expression with
the reality of day-to-day life. It was a time when the economics of
the U.S. was to begin full integration with the rest of the world,
causing widespread changes that would force us all to adjust to the
fact that the golden years of opulence were indeed over, and that
from now on we'd be working harder to try to absorb the losses
we'd now face due to the fact that other nations were to meet or
surpass our industrial successes. We all just spaced out after
the war was over and drifted about for years. It was, however, the
decade of widespread awareness and concern about our
environment and how we were heading down the path of complete
destruction of it. Whether or not we woke up soon enough, that
remains to be seen.