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About The 1960's Music

1960's music was a dynamic departure from the
popular rock and roll of the 50's and the remnants of
big band music, crooners and the jazz insurgence
that dominated the previous decade.  A large popularity
of folk music, the wonder of Motown, the phenomena
of the The Beatles, the fusion of folk and rock (and
improvisation, but not really jazz), Dylan and the great
proliferation of drug induced music and experimentation
(with not only substances but musical intruments as
well) all contributed to a rich texture of new music.
All of the songs on this page were written and
performed on the guitar.  These tapes are the only
extant recordings of Dabek in that era (see archival
restoration).  Some of these songs were performed at
the SkyRiver Rock Festival in 1968 as Dabek
performed two sets there.  During those years, Dabek
performed under the name of Mark Richards and Mark
Raine(choosing a stage name was always a difficult
thing).  Many of these songs were performed and
written (along with many others that are not
represented in this collection ) at the Thirteenth House,
a funky coffee house on Seventh Avenue near Olive in
Seattle during the summer of 1968, during which he
was the house artist. Perhaps the artist will issue new
editions of some of those lost pieces in the future.